Judicial sector:
The judicial sector of the government is usually seen as the most corrupt system in Ukraine. The judicial sector is supposed to offer its citizens fair and equal justice, but instead, it supplies the opposite. Political leaders have the power to make many decisions on business deals and property without risk of any judicial review. This makes the Ukrainian civilians not able to have any trust in their government. People should be able to trust and support their government, but in Ukraine it is impossible. “Only 10 percent of Ukrainians have confidence in the judicial system, according to the MCC survey. The unfairness of the judicial system was viewed as a serious problem by 79.3 percent of respondents. The same survey indicated that 49 percent of Ukrainians perceived the court system as corrupt” (Neutze). The people greatly see the amount of corruption in the government, but have no way to fight against it.
A few reasons why the judicial sector is so corrupt are due to the lack of number of judges and their low salaries. This makes them very susceptible to bribery and extortion. The judiciary is very vulnerable to corruption due to Ukrainian laws. The laws were drafter very quickly after Ukraine gained its independence. Many of the laws contradict each other, so it is very easy to use the laws to manipulate a way out of a situation.
Many people know that the corruption needs to be fixed, but instead of working to fix the problem, many continue to point fingers and place the blame on other sectors of government. The corruption in the judicial sector cannot be fixed until people stop blaming others and come together to create a plan to overcome the corruption.
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